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Dental Article

Porcelain Veneers and You

Porcelain Veneers and You

Putting on a Happy Face Smiling not only makes you feel good, but it communicates your good feelings to others. Unfortunately, some people don’t smile freely - they cover their mouths with their hands, turn away, or pull their lips down in public. In many cases the...

5 Reasons to Choose Dental Veneers in Bondi

5 Reasons to Choose Dental Veneers in Bondi

At Bondi Dental, one of our specialties is crafting beautiful smiles with our world-class cosmetic dental procedures. We offer a wide range of dental procedures that aim to enhance the aesthetics of your teeth and overall quality of your smile. One of these treatments...

Recovery Guide for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Recovery Guide for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Somewhat like root canal treatment or the filling of large cavities, wisdom tooth removal may be somewhat distressing to some patients. After the procedure, your dentist should provide you with post-care instructions to help you with a speedy recovery. Nevertheless,...

Why You Should Not Skip Flossing

Why You Should Not Skip Flossing

Recently, the benefits of flossing have been questioned in the press. This has caused the dental associations in Australia and US to be concerned that after reading such negative publicity some individuals will dispense with flossing altogether. Despite the decision...

Simple Homecare for Dental Implants

Simple Homecare for Dental Implants

Implant dentistry is one of the greatest innovations in dental care in the last five decades. Nowadays, if you lose one or more teeth, you are very lucky to experience the advantages of using modern dental implants. Dental implants are a good option for tooth...

Your Medicine Could be Affecting your Dental Health

Your Medicine Could be Affecting your Dental Health

Did you know that there are over 500 medications that can cause dry mouth syndrome? Xerostomia, or dry mouth in simple terms, is a dental condition in which your mouth is unusually dry, and is often caused by certain medications. Medicines that can trigger dry mouth...

Tooth Decay Prevention: Your Teeth and Your Diet

Tooth Decay Prevention: Your Teeth and Your Diet

No matter how hard you care for your teeth at home, if you don’t eat healthfully, all your dental care efforts may go to waste. One of the worst enemies for your teeth is consuming sugary foods and acidic beverages. If you often consume these types of foods, you put...

What to Expect When Getting Dental Veneers in Bondi

What to Expect When Getting Dental Veneers in Bondi

You might have a friend who has dental veneers Bondi beach on their front teeth and admire how those thin shells look so natural and that others don’t know your friend has undergone a cosmetic dental treatment. Looking natural is one of the best qualities of dental...

Improve Your Smile With White Fillings in Bondi

Improve Your Smile With White Fillings in Bondi

If you have amalgam fillings and you think it’s ruining your smile, maybe it’s time to replace them with composite resin filling, also known as tooth-coloured or white fillings. Nowadays, dental fillings can be natural looking, so there’s no reason for you to stick...

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