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Oral Health

Seniors at Greater Risk for Cavities

Seniors at Greater Risk for Cavities

Cavities often attack the teeth of babies and young children. However, upon entering the new millennium, it was revealed that elderly adults were getting more dental caries than children. Nowadays, children and elders are still the most vulnerable groups for tooth...

Burning Mouth Syndrome: Everything You Need To Know

Burning Mouth Syndrome: Everything You Need To Know

As what the name implies, burning mouth syndrome (BMS) or glossodynia is described as a hot or burning sensation affecting the certain parts of your mouth such as the tongue, lips, palate or even widespread areas of the mouth. Though your mouth may feel like burning,...

What Happens During a Dental Exam?

What Happens During a Dental Exam?

A dental exam or checkup gives your dentist an opportunity to check your ongoing oral health and any early signs of dental problems. Many people disregard the benefits of routine checkups, being misled by the thought that dental care is a luxury. Like any other...

Dental Amalgam: Negative Impact on Health and the Environment

Dental Amalgam: Negative Impact on Health and the Environment

Until today, there has been a wide debate whether or not to use mercury for dental fillings as part of the restorative dentistry. Dental practices have been using the controversial substance for over 150 years in countless of patients around the globe. Dental amalgam,...

Tooth Anatomy: Types and Function of your Teeth

Tooth Anatomy: Types and Function of your Teeth

A typical adult mouth has 32 teeth, and each part of this tooth has their own functions and properties. But did you know what are these parts that make your teeth so strong? The tooth anatomy is simple. The tooth is composed of different layers that function together...

7 Types of Foods that Cause Tooth Enamel Erosion

7 Types of Foods that Cause Tooth Enamel Erosion

Here’s a 3 minutes and 17 seconds 7 Types of Foods that Cause Tooth Enamel Erosion video. See full transcript below. Acidic foods and drinks can lead to tooth enamel erosion due to their high acid content. Frequent consumption of products containing acid makes you...

Top 5 Tips to Help You Get Ready for Dental Visits

Top 5 Tips to Help You Get Ready for Dental Visits

It’s time to visit the dental office once again and you are still clueless what is the latest condition of your teeth or gums, or what your dentist might do to your tooth just to treat the pain underneath. Whatever dental procedure you need to undergo and whether you...

Dry Socket: Get the Facts on Prevention and Treatment

Dry Socket: Get the Facts on Prevention and Treatment

Most people who underwent tooth extraction develop dry socket afterward. Also called as alveolar osteitis, dry socket is the most common postoperative complication from extractions such as removal of an impacted wisdom tooth. This happens when the blood clot at the...

Key Facts on Baby’s Teething Symptoms and its Soothing Remedies

Key Facts on Baby’s Teething Symptoms and its Soothing Remedies

Here’s a 2 minutes and 11 seconds Key Facts on Baby's Teething Symptoms and its Soothing Remedies video. See full transcript below. When your baby is turning four-month-olds, watch out for the possibility of teething symptoms. This is the stage when the primary teeth...

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