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Dentures Bondi

dentures bondi At Bondi Dental, we understand the hardships of living with missing teeth.

We offer several solutions that are designed to restore your smile and normal bite function, including permanent restorations like dental implants, and temporary and removable solutions such as dentures.

Your trusted Bondi dentist uses only the latest technology and tools to provide you with a customised restorative dental procedure through a denture treatment.

The types of dentures available include:

Partial dentures are made to connect to your remaining permanent teeth around the missing teeth. They can be permanent or removable and are custom-made to fit the patient’s mouth and smile.

Complete dentures are made for patients who have lost all upper and/or lower natural teeth.

They are designed to restore a natural-looking smile and allow the wearer the ability to eat, speak, and smile again normally.

Our team at Bondi Dental uses the latest technology to customise a complete denture restoration plan for you.

The Denture-Making Process

The denture-making process normally takes a few weeks and several sessions. Your Bondi dentist determines what type of restoration is best for you.

Here’s what they do:

  1. Impressions of your jaw are made and are being assessed as to how they relate to each other and how much space they have between them.
  2. Models, wax forms, and/or other patterns are made in the exact form and position of the denture. You “try on” this model several times, and the denture is evaluated for colour, shape, and fit before the final denture is manufactured.
  3. After all the procedures, the final denture is made.
  4. Adjustments and follow-up appointments are made when needed.

New Dentures: Getting used to them

New dentures may feel a little weird or loose for a few weeks until the cheeks and tongue get used to keeping them in place, and you get comfortable wearing and removing them.

Also, it is normal for minor irritation or soreness to occur and for saliva flow to increase when you first start wearing your new dentures, but these problems will diminish as the mouth adjusts.

At-home Care

  • Wash your dentures using fluoride toothpaste or mild soap and water before soaking them.
  • After washing, soak them in a denture-cleaning tablet solution to remove stubborn stains and bacteria.
  • Brush your dentures as you do with your normal teeth. Be careful not to scrub them.
  • Your dentures may break if dropped. Wash them in a bowl filled with water or a clean cloth.

Remove your dentures before sleeping to avoid damaging them and to give your gums some time to relax. Soak your dentures in warm water to avoid drying them out and becoming misshapen.

Only use a denture-soaking solution if your dentures do not have metal components, as the solution can tarnish the metal.

Dentures in Bondi

If you have one or more lost or damaged teeth, Bondi Dental can fix the problem with customised, natural-looking dental restorations, like dentures.

Dentures in Bondi

Call us on (02) 9365 7187 or request your appointment online today!

We are located at 134 Curlewis St in Bondi Beach.

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