Many people think that just because they frequently brush and floss their teeth, then there is little point in keeping a regular appointment with their dentist. Needless to say, this is just plain wrong. What many people don’t realize is that there is so much more to...
Dental Checkup in Bondi
Overcoming Dentophobia
The electric buzzing of dental tools, your dentist’s face partially and suspiciously peeking over a green mask, you - leaning back fast against the dentist chair. Yes, this is exactly what typically happens when you visit your local dentist. For most people, that is....
Regular Dental Checkup: Key To Healthy White Teeth
Here’s a 1 minutes and 03 seconds Regular Dental Checkup: Key To Healthy White Teeth video. See full transcript below. Why Regular Bondi Dental Checkup Matters? Your teeth have to fight against plaque every day. While regular brushing twice a day can do the trick, it...
How Sports And Energy Drinks Threaten Dental Health
If you are among the millions of people who are chronic sports and energy drinkaholics, you might want to consider another way to energize and re-energize yourself during the day. According to a study that appeared on the peer reviewed General Dentistry journal, too...
Regular Vs Electric: Dentist In Bondi Answers Which Toothbrush Is Better
Among the most commonly debated issues in oral healthcare is the relative effectiveness of the good old traditional toothbrush and the modern day electric toothbrush. There is a growing assumption among the general public that the high speed rotating bristles of the...
3 Benefits of Visiting Your Dentist
Visiting your dentist more frequently offers significant advantages to your general wellbeing. Getting your teeth professionally cleaned reduces the risk of exposing your gums and teeth to dental and periodontal diseases. Moreover, professional dental cleaning helps...