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Simple Home Remedies for Mouth SoresMouth sores have abilities to heal on their own after a week or so. However, allowing them to stay in your mouth and suffer for about a week is a real burden.

Good thing there are various home remedies for mouth sores that are easy and simple to do. Whether it’s canker sores or cold sores, nature can provide you the right relief away from the discomforts these sores can bring.

Mouth Sore Remedy for Canker Sores

Coriander Leaves

Have 2 tablespoons of coriander leaves and 1 glass of water. Boil the water with the coriander leaves on it. Strain the leaves and let the water cool down until it becomes lukewarm. Use the water to rinse your mouth 3 times a day.

Black Tea

You need 1 black tea bag and lukewarm water. Plunge the tea bag in lukewarm. Then, remove it and put it on the canker sore. Let it stay there for 10 to 15 minutes.

Aloe Vera and Baking Soda

Rinse your mouth first using aloe juice. After your rinse, put baking soda on the canker sore.

Spicy Sweet Herbal Drink

Prepare 1 teaspoon of coarsely ground coriander leaves, 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1 glass of milk and 1 teaspoon of cane sugar or jaggery. Mix coriander seeds, cumin and cane sugar/jaggery with milk. Boil the mixture until it’s condensed to half its amount. Drink the spiced sweet milk two times a day.

Mouth Sore Remedy for Cold Sores


Prepare 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 1 teaspoon of water. Mix the cornstarch and water altogether. You must be able to make a smooth paste out of it. If it’s a bit dry, you can add some drops of water. Before sleeping at night, apply the paste to your cold sore and leave it there whole night. In the morning, remove the paste with water. Repeat the process every night until the cold sores are gone.

Topical Oils

To speed up the healing process, topical oils such as melissa oil or lavender oil is useful. Dab the oil on the affected area of the mouth several times a day.

Milk Treatment

Get 1 cup of whole milk and cotton balls. Dip the cotton ball in 1 tablespoon of milk. Apply this directly to the cold sore for a couple of minutes. To remove the milk residue when you are done with the procedure, just use clean, moistened towel.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Soak a cotton ball or facial tissue in 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Set the cotton ball directly on your cold sore. There will be a little bit of a stinging sensation but hold it there for seconds. Let it stay there for 5 minutes for it to penetrate the sore well. After that, you can then rinse it off with water.

Dental Treatment of Mouth Sores in Bondi

If a mouth sore has not healed after two weeks, despite the remedies you’ve done, consider visiting your dentist immediately. Here at Bondi Dental, we are consistently committed to providing excellent solutions for every oral health problem. We have broad expertise in dentistry and wide-ranging dental procedures to adequately address your wants and needs in terms of a one-of-a-kind oral health.

Contact us today to claim your FREE Dental Consultation on dental checkup, smile make-over, and dental implants.

Call your Bondi dentist on (02) 9365 7187 or book your appointment online.

Visit us at 134 Curlewis St in Bondi Beach.

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