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Mouth Ulcers: Canker SoresCanker sores have always been a little uncomfortable, annoying, and painful altogether. Among the most common known dental anomalies, canker sores affect 80% of the population.

Canker sores are small ovoid ulcers that develop on the inner surfaces of the mouth, most commonly on the lips, tongue, and the inner walls of the cheeks.


Experts have yet to determine the exact causes of canker sores. There are bodies of of studies that point out to stress and tissue injury as the primary suspects. Other canker sore culprits include:

  • Citrusy fruits (such as lemons, oranges, and pineapples, apples, and strawberries)
  • Dental trauma (from ill-fitting dentures, fractured teeth, and cracked fillings)
  • Nutritional problems (such as deficiencies in vitamin B-12, zinc, folic acid, and iron)
  • Compromised immune system
  • Gastrointestinal tract disease


Minor sores are the most common type of canker sores. These are small ulcers that grow anywhere from 3 to 10 mm. Minor sores affect around 80% of the population and lasts up to 2 weeks to completely heal.

Major sores are deeper and more significant lesions that develop within an irregular border of inflamed tissues. Typically growing up to a 10 mm diameter, major sores affect 10% of all canker sore cases and might take months to fully heal.

Herpetiform sores consist of large colonies of small mouth ulcers, typically at 2-3 mm. Accounting for 10% of all canker sore cases, it is not rare for herpetiform sores to consist of a hundred small ulcers growing around the same area at the same time.

Dentist In Bondi

Canker sores typically go away on their own. In cases, however, where the lesions persist even after 3 weeks, it is best that you immediately consult with your local Bondi Dentist at Bondi Dental.

A well regarded dental practice that sits in the heart of Bondi Beach, Bondi Dental houses a team of dental professionals who have 60 years worth of experience in all aspects of modern dentistry. With a 30 year-community presence, Bondi Dental provides the local Bondi Community and its surrounding regions with only the very best in professional dental healthcare. Call 02 9365 7187, or simply by booking an appointment online.



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