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7 Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Fear of the Dentist

by | Jun 26, 2024 | Dental Fear in Children

7 tips to help your child overcome fear of the dentistIs your child scared of going to the dentist?

“My favourite thing to have parents tell their child is that we will check their smile and count their teeth.”

So, why most kids don’t like going to the dentist?

Many uncontrollable factors lead to fear of dentists. These could include a traumatic experience, fear of pain, fear of strangers, and the list goes on.

7 Ways to Overcome Dental Fear

Here are 7 tips you can use to make your child more receptive to going to the dentist’s clinic:

#1. Prevention Is Always Better Than Cure

The first and most crucial step to assuage your child’s fear of the dentist is to ensure it never sets in.

Bringing your child to the dentist at an early age and getting them accustomed to us can help you avoid ever having to deal with dental fears associated with it in the first place.

#2. Bring along some toys for comfort

Most dental clinics catering to young children have toys and books to entertain your child.

These forms of distraction can take their mind off of what is to come once they get up onto the dental chair and have work done on their teeth.

If your dental clinic has many of these things lying around, it’s a good sign that it’s a very child-friendly environment for your child.

Consider taking their toys for the ride, as familiar objects help kids be comfortable. The familiar sight of his toys in a strange place can boost their confidence and help them deal with any sign of dental fear while waiting for their turn.

#3. Build a trusting relationship with your dentist

Some people also find it challenging to develop trust between a child and his dentist.

A surefire way of overcoming your child’s fear of the dentist (or their fear of strangers, for that matter) is to show them that the person you’re talking to is someone you trust and that they should follow suit.

So take the time out to become friends with your dentist. Talk to us. Let’s have a friendly discussion about your child’s dental health and other things. This is a great way to build rapport between you and your child’s dentist and get documentation on what to look out for.

#4. Have a Positive Attitude

A visit to the dental clinic is always associated with some form of stress on the parent’s part. Although not said out loud, kids can pick up on this stress. This leads to internal turmoil within their psyches as they try to understand why they feel such emotions as they head to the dental clinic again.

Adopting a positive attitude will help you take your child to the dentist. A positive aura will make them feel good about their visit every time.

Don’t let your emotions get the best of you; your child will have a pleasant relationship with their dentist for a long time.

#5. Be Cool

There’s bound to be a little fussing along the way.

Keep calm and stay positive.

They’ll eventually settle down, and the stress goes away quickly because you kept your cool.

#6. Visit Your Dentist regularly, even if only to say “Hi.”

Another way to get your child accustomed to going to the dentist is to take them there for a visit simply.

Even if your child doesn’t need anything done to their teeth.

A simple visit to the Dentist’s office to say “Hi” will make going to the dentist seem like a regular part of their routine. This will help your child better accept the idea of attending the dentist.

#7. Talk About The Experience After The Visit

On the way home, talk to your child and discuss what happened. Ask them how they felt during their dental check-up, what they enjoyed most about their visit, and how they felt about it.

Avoid any negative discussions that may arise. Keep a positive attitude; your child will likely pick up on your positive emotions and follow suit.

You can talk about these things to reinforce positive thoughts and emotions about their visit to the dentist.

If the dentist says it is okay, treat your child to some ice cream or go to his favourite place and have a good time. Nothing beats capping an eventful day with positive thoughts and experiences to make a child forget his dental fears, especially if he just had to face them a few minutes ago.

Dental Fear Management in Bondi

At Bondi Dental, we love working with kids of all ages.

We understand young children and ensure the interaction between our staff and your child starts with a positive experience.

Our team of highly qualified dentists has over 60 years of combined experience in all areas of dentistry.

We provide high-quality dental preventative, restorative, and cosmetic services for all patients.


Bulk Bill for children who are qualified for MEDICARE CHILD DENTAL BENEFITS SCHEDULE

We are your family-friendly Bondi dentist at 134 Curlewis St in Bondi Beach.

Call us on (02) 9365 7187 or request your appointment online today.

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