Dental FAQ’s

I have an intense toothache, can I be seen right away?
If you are suffering from a toothache, you can book you emergency appointment online or call us on your way to the clinic.
Toothache is a serious dental emergency brought on by a dental issue progressed to an alarming state. Some possible causes of toothache are tooth decay, gum disease, and dental abscess.
In case of a toothache, below are the first aid steps you should follow:
- Rinse your mouth thoroughly using lukewarm saltwater solution. (1/2 teaspoon of salt into eight ounces of water)
- Floss your mouth to make sure that there is no food debris left or stuck.
- If there is swelling, apply a cold compress.
- Take OTC pain relievers but do not give aspirin to those below 18 years old. Never put aspirin to your aching tooth or the gums surrounding it.
- Visit your dentist immediately.
Know more about our dental emergency services here
I’m pregnant. Should I still visit my dentist?
This means that during pregnancy your defenses are vulnerable, which can lead to the creation of new dental problems or worsening of already existing ones.
Thus, you must pay extra attention to your oral hygiene during pregnancy. You also need to visit your dentist for examinations and routine cleaning. Ideally, dental treatment is done before conception or after the first trimester.
Further, there are dental procedures that are restricted from pregnant women. Teeth whitening for instance should be held off until you give birth. X- rays are generally harmless but pregnant women are given leaded apron and thyroid collar as extra precaution.
Is it true that bad teeth can lead to bad general health?
An infection in the teeth, gums, or in the bones holding the teeth can also result in other medical conditions. Dental abscess is a contributing factor to sepsis. Infection can spread to the sinus and cause purulent sinusitis, or spread to the brain causing meningitis or brain abscess. There are also cases and studies in which tooth infection led to the development of pericarditis (affecting the tissue surrounding the heart), emphysema, Ludwig’s Angina, and septicaemia.
What causes dental cavities?
When you eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates or sweet, bacteria create acid. The acid attacks the enamel which causes demineralisation. Enamel corrodes exposing the dental pulp. Then, when you take hot or cold food, the pulp is irritated and you experience a toothache.
We have comprehensive tooth decay treatments. These include preventative measures to keep your teeth healthy and decay-free. In case of a toothache, we have a same day emergency appointment available.
Do you treat children?
Our Active Maintenance Dental Program is available for children. This includes routine checkups and clean. Dental emergency treatments are also available for children.
Our children’s dentistry services focus on habit formation and correction. Our goal is to create a strong foundation for children’s oral health. We believe in the importance of raising oral health awareness in children for a future of healthy teeth.
We also support Medicare’s Child dental benefits schedule which grants up to $1000 worth of dental coverage for eligible children. For more information about the Child dental benefits schedule, click here
What are your tooth replacement options?
Our restorative devices are made of durable materials crafted by state of the art dental equipment. For instance, our dental crowns can be created in just one day during your dental appointment.
For more information on our tooth replacement options, visit our restorative dentistry page
How can I prevent cavities?
Also, schedule an appointment with your dentist at twice a year (once every six months). A dental scale and clean is recommended as well but not as often. Your dentist will determine how often you need it.
Our Active Maintenance Dental Program includes dental service that strives to keep your oral health at its highest level.
Are denture repair kits safe?
Denture damage is a dental emergency. We have a same day emergency appointment available to help you.
Other dental emergency services are:
- Children’s dental emergencies
- Toothache or dental pain
- Knocked out teeth
- Broken dentures
- Lost fillings, crowns, and inlay/onlay
- Dental abscess
- Soft tissues injuries in the mouth
Know more about our dental emergency services here